VRV Air Conditioning

VRV stands for variable refrigerant volume. VRV air conditioning is the best solution for medium to large applications, including hotels, retail spaces, larger offices and mixed-use buildings. The systems are extremely efficient, reliable and easy to control, capable of meeting larger buildings’ complete heating and cooling requirements. They also come with reduced installation times, minimizing disruption. There are two types of VRV system, heat pump and heat recovery. Heat pump VRV systems can provide either heating or cooling to a building at any given time, making them ideal for open plan areas. Heat recovery VRV systems are capable of providing simultaneous heating and cooling to different areas at the same time, making them perfect for buildings with lots of individual rooms. The most efficient commercial air conditioning systems, they recover waste heat from around the building, using it to heat other rooms and hot water. Heat recovery systems are also more flexible, as you have the option to heat one room while cooling another.

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Advantages of VRV systems:

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